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Kaiser's Payment Card System
Forgot Password Errors and Resolution

Login Failed, please try again.



You will receive this error if your KP NUID # or your password is being entered incorrectly. Verify that the information you provide is correct.

If you continue to have issues contact your Site Administrator.


This account has been locked out temporarily. Please wait at least five minutes before trying again. Please contact your Administrator for more information.



Use the Forgot Password feature on the login page. This feature will walk you through the steps necessary to establish a new password.

If you continue to have issues contact your Site Administrator.


This account is locked out for too many failed attempts.
Please contact your Administrator for more information.



Because you have made too many unsuccessful attempts at logging in, your account has been locked out. Please contact your Account Administrator to unlock your account.


Please disable the CAPS Lock Key and Try Again.



If the CAPS Lock Key is enabled on your keyboard it may prevent you from logging in. Disable the CAPS Lock Key and Try Again.


The information provided does not match the values on file. Check the Temporary Access Code provided or contact your Administrator for more information.



You will receive this error if your KP NUID # or Temporary Access code is being entered incorrectly. Verify your KP NUID # is correct and the Temporary Access Code matches what you've received in your Kaiser Permanente Vault Temporary Access Code email.

If you continue to have issues contact your Site Administrator.


The information provided does not match the values on file. Please contact your Administrator for more information.



You will receive this error if your Email Address or Security Question and Answer is being entered incorrectly. Verify that your are typing your Email Address or Security Question and Answer correctly.

If you continue to have issues contact your Site Administrator.


The new password must be at least six characters long.



Type in a new password that is at least characters long.


The new password chosen must match what is in the confirmation box.



Make sure you type your new password in correctly in the New Password and Confrim New Password input boxes.


You cannot use the same password you have had previously.



Make sure that the password you enter is a unique password that you have not used before. The system will not allow you to select a password that you have used previously.